hi there! I'm Dekee Paldeen Dorjee, a typical middle schooler currently studying at Loselling Middle Secondary School. (Changjiji.) I'm a girl born on July 23rd, 2011. The main reason for creating this blog was to share my experiences with the books I read and for my ICT (information and communication technology) class. I'm contemporarily in 8th grade and trying to follow the tasks, assignments, and homework I'm assigned. I might be the person who blabbers nonsense and says stuff I'm not supposed to say. People might be judgmental, but I don't give a damn. "You can make anything by writing - C.S Lewis" Inspired by this quote, I wanted to start writing my own stories. So, in this blog, I would like to type my own stories and do book talks! hope y'all enjoy my blog! signing off, -yours Dekee. My favorite anime: My favorite singers: ...